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آشنایی با منطقه اقتصادی ویژه پتروشیمی ۱۳۹۵/۳/۱۴

نام لاتین:1395-03-12- Petrochemical Special Economic Zone (PETZONE)

کد مطلب:EZ-001

Petrochemical Special Economic Zone (PETZONE) is located in the south–west of I.R. of IRAN, at the Persian Gulf shore, within the boundaries of Mahshahr, a district of Bandar-e- Imam Khomeini.
PETZONE covers an area of 2600 hectares. The zone is established in this region due to existing natural resources and geo–economic advantages. 
The opportunities created by Special Economic Zone regulations, encourage development of petrochemical production and trade, both at regional, national and transnational levels, especially in downstream industries, transfer of modern technology into the country, create jobs, boost employment, and increase export of petrochemicals.
The Organization became active in 1997 according to a decree issued by the High Council of Free Industrial and Trade Areas.

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